Sunday, April 25, 2010


It's still weird for me how amazingly popular twitter has become. I first heard of it in the fall of 2007 while I was interning at a political advertising firm in DC. The intern in the cubicle adjacent to mine and I were talking about her upcoming trip to visit a friend in California. I was doing just fine at keeping up with the small talk until she mentioned that he was one of the founders of something called Twitter, that apparently I was supposed to be familiar with. The look on my face made it obvious that I wasn't. After a 5 minute spiel on the wonderfulness of twitter, I still wasn't sold. After 5 minutes poking around the website I was even more confused and less sure as to what the value was. I assumed that everyone else would think like me, it would die off in a year or two, so there was no reason for me to get involved.

Obviously, I was wrong. I'm still a little flummoxed by twitter, but I increasingly find myself in the minority. I increasingly find myself drawn into the twitter widgets on the side of others blogs, getting a little mini-blogging fix from their 140 character posts. I've even braved the main page once or twice, trying to understand how @ and # work after being drawn in by a very interesting, but one sided conversation on someones twitter page. After a few months of slowly wadding in, I think I might be willing to finally give this crazy thing a try, even if I am more than three years late. Please help a girl discover the joy of twitter by following me here or letting me know how I can follow you.


  1. I got off twitter.... I was just like, this is simply another way for me to waste my time... And for people to mock me on.

  2. I don't really get the pull of twitter, but lately I've been following a few bloggers twitters. Who knows. Maybe I'll cave one day :)

  3. I still really don't "get" it - or even like it - but I'm trying! I'll be following you too :)

  4. I really one of the only people without a twitter account?! Oh wait, my husband doesn't have one either. In fact, he's never even been on facebook. I guess I'm still good.

  5. I follow a bunch of people on Twitter, but I do it all through Google Reader. So I can read up on what Neil Patrick Harris is doing. But he's unaware of my interest. I am not on Twitter myself. I can barely manage to post a Facebook update once a week. I'd be the more boring person on Twitter ever.

    It would be so much easier if my work's server didn't block "social networking" sites. Sigh!

  6. As much as you are one of my new favorite e-friends, I'm afraid I can't go back to Twitter even for you! I was required to have it for work and just never got the hang of it. It was the thing I was most excited about giving up when I left my old job, so let me know if you can figure it out! =)

  7. I have been using Twitter for a while, but just recently started having fun with it. It is full of spammers, but also allows me to connect with a different group of people. I will tweet about a post and sometimes get replies from a bunch of guys who would never actually comment in the comment section. And sometimes short shallow public discussions can be good... or at least amusing.
