Friday, April 9, 2010


You are all wonderful people. It is such an amazing feeling to throw out a little piece of myself into the vastness of the internet and get sincere well-wishes from 14 people, only two of who I know from the so-called "real" world. Thanks, I was beaming all day.

Other than smiling at my screen, things were fairly uneventful today. We cleaned, I tried to take pictures of the apartment to share here. Is it sad that my main motivation for cleaning was that afterwards I could take pictures and share online? (It will hurt my vanity enough to share the hand me down/IKEA chic of the shoebox, sharing what it looks like most days is just to much for me.) My blog should not be my primary motivation to do basic life sustaining things. I suppose it doesn't much matter, I tried to be fancy and use the manual settings on my point and shoot camera. While it was an excellent reminder of how non-ready I am for a DSLR, the pictures are so dark that the faint outlines of furniture are the only proof that I was trying to photograph an apartment, not a dank cave where foolish tourists get eaten by mole people. Maybe I can get decent photographic evidence of the shoebox next week.


  1. Taking photos of my house only reminds me how badly we need new furniture. I'll relish in the pictures people post of their designer rooms for a while to come while I debate what cleaning product will best get the food stains off of my couch....*sigh*

  2. I do the same thing (cleaning to take pictures).

  3. I might have, on occasion, cleaned or done something different to our house knowing that it might make good blog fodder.
