Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beware the water (and the lawyers)

Earlier today I was flooded with e-mails and text messages keeping me apprised of the terrifying menace threatening the law school.We warned under no circumstances to drink, touch, smell or being in vicinity of the oh so dangerous water, which had accidentally received slightly higher than advisable levels of chlorine at the treatment plant and was now rampaging through our pipes, eager to inflict untold pain and suffering on those of us with sensitive skin who might experience slight irritation. In addition to the flurry of electronic communication, giant, scary warning signs were hung over every drinking fountain, sink or an other possible place the water could be lurking. At about 4 we received another flurry of communication, triumphantly heralding that the danger was gone, the ban was lifted. Mostly because they found there had never been much danger to begin with, but they still seemed very excited to get the news out.

When I got home I asked Zach how they had dealt with the chlorine catastrophe on main campus and received a blank stare. He vaguely remembered some little sign, but that was it. Mind you, the water and the "danger" was essentially the same in each location. The only difference is that one of us was in a building teaming with lawyers, and the other got to be around normal people.

You know all the supposedly frivolous lawsuits that you hear so much about? I'm starting to think that's just because lawyers slowly go insane, seeing hallucinations of law suits around every corner. Something about the long nights in the library or the endless case reading, or maybe even the unnatural exposure to suits warps us, forever keeping our brains in a state of permanent paranoia. It's not our fault. It's just in the water.


  1. HAHAHAH, this is so funny and so true. Did the warning sign have a picture of what would happen if you ingested the water?!! In nine languages too, naturally.

  2. Frivolous lawsuits = job security. ;)
