Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It is currently hot. Curse you Al Gore.

It is currently hot in DC. Sticky, sweaty, unbearably hot.

I'd like to just point something out. Remember snowpacalypse, the storm of epic proportions that brought the mid-Atlantic to its knees on February? Besides being stuck indoors for a week, we also had to deal with various pundits crowing about whether or not this one meteorological event could debunk decades of research and evidence in favor of global warming. Apparently all the evidence and trends complied through decades of scientific study are completely false if it snows. In winter.

And now it is unseasonably, horrendously hot. Notice how there are absolutely no liberal talking heads offering this hot spell as proof of global warming.

I'm not saying this single anecdote proves anything, because I understand that one event does not definitively prove a trend. I'm just observing that in this one instance, one side seems to understand that principle better than the other.

And that's my smug liberal commentary of the day.

For a far wittier illustration of this principle than I can provide, I recomend the following Daily Show segment. You may want to fast forward to 3:30 for the actual substance of the clip.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Unusually Large Snowstorm
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform


  1. It's soooo hot in LA. I think we should start calling it climate change, not global warming.

  2. It's FREEZING here. And wet and miserable. I'd love some sweaty hot right now! :) Wanna trade?

  3. Jon Stewart is my hero. That was hilarious.

    (And those who don't want to get stuck by the "but it's not getting hotter" argument definitely are calling it climate change.)

    The weather definitely is crazy this year.

  4. All we've had is cold and rain. I wish it was warm right now.
