Monday, April 26, 2010

Mocking my time management skills

I think the 10pg paper that I have had all semester to work on, not to mention all weekend, but only have 6 mediocre pages written for (most of which were done in the last couple of hours), and is due tomorrow, is mocking my time management skills. I think it has a point.


  1. I'm trying to write a 1-page paper right now.... Okay, a letter of intent. It's mocking me just because I suck s much and bleeeech.

  2. Oh procrastination. It's my best friend.

  3. I am so glad I am not the only one that is a) a procrastinator and b) burned out. =) Good luck! You can make it.

    P.S. I totally watched Glee for the first time this weekend after you posted about the Madonna episode! I've loved the music, but we don't have TV so I didn't really keep up on the show. The hour or two between finals and the next law school event were gloriously spent watching Hulu.

  4. My time management skills suck big time. Until it's the week of the deadline. Especially the day or two before the deadline. I think the pressure of "Oh s**t; I've had ages to finish this and still haven't started" motivates me more than "I can write one page a week for 10 weeks and be done way in advance."

  5. I'll quit procrastinating tomorrow.

  6. I've done three of those in the past week. So hopefully, that's a little encouragement that you're not the worst of the procrastinators.
    But honestly, it hasn't hurt me grade-wise yet, and I feel like I write pretty well and focus better under pressure.
    (Although I'm probably not nicer under pressure.)
    I need to go sing a certain David Bowie/Queen song now after all that.

  7. I like to think that I work best under pressure. For example, we are leaving to go out of town super early tomorrow morning. Have I packed, cleaned house, or done laundry yet? Of course not. I guess I should go get on that.

  8. All throughout school I waited until the night before a paper was due to write it and I always did well. I knew that it stressed me out and I could have avoided sleepless nights if I started earlier, but it always worked out, so I just kept to my procrastinating ways!

    Btw, how do you get the little g next to the web address for your blog? I'm not so savvy with this stuff.
