Friday, April 23, 2010

Grocery Warning

I generally am not the biggest fan of grocery shopping. Something about spending all that money on something that will be gone in a week seems wrong to me. It doesn't hep that being car-less city dwellers, we have to walk a decent distance to the store and back, hauling our loot over our shoulders like barbarians bringing a deer back from a hunt. Uphill (both ways, of course).

However, today, for once, I was in a lovely mood. It was one of those perfect days where the sky is bright blue, with the just the right amount of big, fluffy clouds floating on by. Warm, but not too warm, with a happy breeze singing on by. So nice that we detoured through some of the lovely old neighborhoods near by and oohed and awwed at all the gorgeous homes. Everything was wonderful.

You know how they warn against grocery shopping when you're hungry? They should also warn against shopping when you're happy. Everything was wonderful, sure. That also meant that everything in the store looked wonderful. And while my common sense can occasionally restrain me from throwing a wonderful pain of shoes into my bag, apparently food doesn't trigger my waste warning system. After all, food is a necessity of life, right? Well, food might be, but jars of fancy mustard that were on sale or a giant flat of strawberries that two people can not possibly get through aren't exactly necessities. And that's how we spent almost twice the normal amount at the grocery store this week. I'll be the girl living on strawberries and mustard for the next week or so (hopefully not at the same time).


  1. Grocery shop when you have a migraine! It works wonders.

  2. I hate grocery shopping too. Worst task ever. Make some smoothies with those strawberries! It will use them up fast. :)

  3. Oh yeah, I have to eat before going to the grocery store or else I might end up buying something like Pringles and Poptarts, which I never buy when I'm in my right mind.

  4. Clearly the strawberries are necessary to balance out the froyo. :-)

  5. All these posts about food....strawberries...fro yo.....yumm!
