Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goodbye Class, I'll miss you

It feels so amazingly good to have that paper finished. Now there are just 2 papers and 3 finals between me and whatever it is that I'll be doing this summer. Hooray.

I also had my last class of the semester tonight. The last class is always a little bitter sweet. I mean, I'm normalish, I look forward to the end of the semester just like students everywhere. It's just that it always happens right when I'm hitting my stride. I've got my routine down. I'm just starting to really get comfy with my class, just starting to make friends with the people in them. And then just like that, its all gone. Clean slates are nice, so long as you didn't like what you were working on previously. And dang it, I liked this semester. I felt like I fit well in every one of my classes, for the first time in law school. I liked, or at least understood, my professors. I liked my classmates. I even liked my classes. I don't like seeing it all float away.

At least my last class, and favorite class of the semester, Adoption law, ended on a good note. Being the last class, and the professors Birthday, we went to the Thai restaurant next door for "class". Ok, we did discuss our papers, but it was a much more casual feel (and that class already had a great casual, discussion vibe). I think I'll miss that class most of all, even if it did make me incredibly cynical about adoption. Oh, the horror stories I can tell. Law school really does destroy so much of the seemingly simple, beautiful things in life.

Aside from horror stories, the only hitch was when it came time to pay for the food. I'll never understand why some restaurants will refuse to give separate checks for large groups. I don't see how it is different from each of us going in separately, ordering and then moving to sit together. I understand that large groups can be a pain. I don't mind an automatic 18% gratuity. I wouldn't even care about a small fee to do separate checks. Regardless, it has to be easier than everyone going around the table, writing their card number on the back with the amount to put on it, coming back and telling us that they will only do 6 cards and watching a group of 16 try to figure out how to make it work. I tried to avoid the madness by bringing my checkbook, but apparently they don't accept checks. Oh well. They let us leave, so we must have figured it out somehow.


  1. Congratulations! You are almost a 3L!! My friend took the adoption seminar and I didn't know the process was so shaddy.

  2. And, is it me or do you always end up paying WAY more in those types of situations? I paid like $10 for a piece of apple pie tonight when the group-bill fiasco hit. Ugh.

    Good luck with finals!!!

  3. I always felt the same way at the end of a semester. Like I finally was all organized and had things sort of figured out, and then it was back to square one. Good luck with finals!

  4. Congrats on finishing!

    I am such a cash nazi when it comes to group dining situations. I get such anxiety when the bill comes and if I don't have cash! Everything usually works out fine, though.

  5. Congrats!!!

    And I agree with you about the big group situation. So frustrating. Is it really difficult to split everything into multiple checks?

    I never have cash on me, so I'm always caught when it comes to situations like this. (And I hate being the only one with a card. Seems like there's always a person or two who won't put in enough money.)
