Sunday, March 21, 2010

Manly meals (why does my pizza have a gender?)

When our pizza was served last night (why yes, I am stretching one event out into two blog posts), the server set down a fresh basil, mushroom, tomato onion pizza in front of me, and a rich pepperoni, sausage, kalamata olive one in front of Zach. Which would be fine, except that I'm the carnivore, and Zach is the one who understands that vegetables have a role outside of salads.

This happens almost every time we go out to eat. I have the manliest, meatiest thing imaginable, while Zach has something light and lovely. I dig into a juicy T-bone, he nibbles at a Caesar salad. Every time we are automatically served the other persons meal, every time we switch plates, and every time I get a little raised eyebrow or a smirk tossed in my direction.

I usually blush a little, or mumble something about feeling extra hungry that night. Like I'm embarrassed by or need to apologize for eating what I want or for not eating healthy. (Although come on, it's a pizza. The veggies aren't going to save it.) 

Am I crazy to think that this is a gendered thing? Most people don't look twice at a man eating a meat lovers special, but it's weird for a woman to, or for a man to chow down on a good salad. It's just food, isn't that kind of a stupid thing to be gendered? Is it because meat helps build big, scary muscles? Is being fat so scary and horrible for women (who of course must remain at sex-kitten perfection)that a less than healthy meal is taboo? Is red meat some sort of gateway drug for double x-chromosomes?

This isn't just a date night observation. I've been out with women and gone through the obligatory round of apologies and how I'm being so bad before ordering something a little more than dainty. It's kind of a weird, awkward ritual of policing food norms and assuring everyone that the hamburger is just a rare deviation from a life of dressing on the side.

I'm tired for feeling bad about food or going through exaggerated play acting to pretend like I feel bad. Here's my not-so dirty little secret: I like food, and I don't always feel guilty or naughty about it. I like meat and fat and cheese and deep fried things. They taste really good - moans and bedroom noises good. Sure, I don't eat like that all or even most of the time. I have no magic metabolism, and I put forth a decent amount of effort to keep my jeans zipping up over my already generous thighs and rolled stomach. Tonight I dinned on a very reasonable salad and grilled chicken breast with strawberries for dessert. That's the norm. I know that a delicious yet healthy recipe is worth its weight in gold.

But if I'm going to spend the time and money to go out, you better believe I'm going to get something because it will make my mouth happy. Next time I'm going to look at the server with a great big smile and no apologies as I reach for my plate.


  1. I think feeling guilty about our food is something that needs to stop too. Make healthy choices, and if you decide to go all out one day, then no one should make you feel guilty about it! (That veg pizza looks fantastic though!)

  2. I don't care for pizza but your pictures look awesome.

    I know how you feel. I have been thin my whole life and I am tired of making apologies when I want to eat what I want [a 12 ox steak, baked tater, veggies, salad and dessert] I don't do it often, but when I do people need to back off and not make comments. I practive portion control most meals, but sometimes something calls to me and I must have :D [key lime pie anyone? heehee]

  3. I'm with you when it comes to pizza toppings. I love me some meat! Veggies are totally overrated. Your pictures really are making me want some pizza right about now.

  4. I am guilty of going out with friends and being pressured to eat light. Though I'm not much of a steak eater, sometimes, I just want that big hamburger or that hellish fried thing. But, I talk myself out of it. And if I do order what I like, I feel mighty guilty. How does that happen?!

    Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog, too! I'm really enjoying yours!!

  5. I'm a former vegetarian who really loves vegetables, so I always get veggie pizza toppings. However, I could inhale a giant, bloody steak in two seconds flat. Thankfully, most of my girlfriends are big eaters and don't think I'm weird for moaning while eating something awesome. I guess I don't trust/make friends with girls who don't like to chow.

  6. Bah. That is so frustrating that I can't even find the words I want to use to clearly express my frustration.

    I think you should always unapologetically order your food.

    Hmm. Maybe I did find words. Also, that pizza looks delicious. So does Zach's.
