Saturday, March 13, 2010


I was a hermit today. I didn't leave my apartment, I barely left my couch. I did nothing, I thought nothing. I was a waste of space, oxygen and all those other ever dwindling resources. A nothing. Coincidentally, I have nothing to say today. No pseudo-insightful insights, no mildly amusing stories, nothing. Not even the willpower or creativity to finish off one of the 50+ drafts languishing in my blogger.

All I have to offer is a semi-amusing youtube faux-trailer of every Academy award wannabe ever. It's better than nothing, right?


  1. I love hermit days, as long as they aren't all the time!

  2. Hilarious video :) Hope you enjoyed your hermit day!

  3. You just described my day. I've hardly left the couch all day....I have a stupid cold that is just kicking my trash right now.
    Love that video.

  4. I have been trying to be productive all day, but Spring Break has a firm grasp on me & won't let go.

    Apparently Spring Break is going to maximize every second of it's time & won't permit me to read a word until 12:01 tonight... except blogs, of course, 'cause that's the essence of break-i-ness incarnate!
