Thursday, March 25, 2010


So my law school gave me a free T-shirt today. Yay. I do so love seeing my 40k+ going to good use. And what better use is there than a low quality, baggy T-shirt that I may wear to the gym (assuming I ever actually, you know, go)?

No, the point of the T-shirt was to introduce our new logo. Because as a law school, we gain credibility not from the quality of our programs, staff, alumni, students and other things that have to do with the actual academic quality of our institution. We're clearly only ranked #45 or so because our logo looked like this:

I know, the mediocre genericness of it all is stunning. On the plus side, we are obviously a LAW school. You can tell, because we say so, twice. Once in GIANT letters.

So, in their great wisdom, the administration decided we needed something more unique, a little more flashy.

To their credit, I've never seen anything quite like this. Apparently I've been confused this whole time, and I actually attend a progressive pre-school. But at least it's a diverse pre-school. I know that all my classes have blue people, green people, maroon people, every color in the crayon box.We don't even discriminate against font mixing here (even though we really, really should.) Can't you just imagine how serious and professional a diploma with people pillars on it would look on a diploma?

Yes, there may have been a bit of a student uproar over that hot mess. Angry facebook groups, petitions, everything. I'm so used to my undergrad institution (BYU) where questioning the administration is tantamount to heresy, that I didn't expect anything to actually happen. But, students actually have a little bit of influence here, and that logo got tossed out. 

I wasn't sure what had happened in the process until I got an e-mail this morning promising free shirts in the lobby for the official logo launch. There was no image attached to the e-mail, so I wasn't sure what atrocity was going to meet me. Anything that requires T-shirt bribes can't be that good.

Fortunately I was greeted by something pleasantly generic. It just focuses on our schools main positive attributes (we're in DC!) along with an optimistic horizon type thing. And best of all, no crayon people and only one font. Now I no longer have to hide my future diploma in shame. I don't expect amazing design from my law school, but I'm glad to have my faith in their basic level of competence restored. (And yes, the free T-shirt really does help.)


  1. lol I got my free t-shirt too.

    But, I was one of the FEW people who actually liked the crayon-tastic logo.

    I know this because I was in the elevator with my t-shirt in my bag & someone asked me how the logo looked, I said that it was "very generic," lamenting, & everyone headed back down to the lobby to get them.

  2. Yay for free stuff! Another t-shirt to add to the pile :)

  3. That last logo looks quite nice. Props. The U of U law school has gone through a logo or too itself, most of them pretty hideous, but the current one is not bad. Mostly I find myself irritated that (although bless his heart for all the money) my resume line says The S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah. Like ... what? I hate schools named after people. I don't know why. If I ever become a bazillionaire, I'm donating all my money to the U in order to change the name back to the generic University of Utah Law School.

  4. I definitely think the last one is the best.

    @Jen - Have you convinced them to shun Comic Sans as well? ;)

  5. The crayon people are HIGHlariously awesome. I'm bummed you can't sport that t-shirt around town.

  6. Who was the genius who thought it would be creative to use two different fonts like that?!
