Saturday, March 6, 2010

Craving Cycle

 My diet is largely ruled by cravings. Usually this isn't too bad, most cravings are merely a general desire for either sweet or savory and it isn't to hard to find something not entirely horrible to fill that void.

However, from time to time, I enter a craving cycle. It begins with one particular food taking over my mouth and ruthlessly beating back any other desires. For as long as the craving lacks, I just want to shovel that sweet goodness into my mouth non-stop, at every meal. Everything else tastes bland at best and forcing myself to eat it is a chore. 

Right now, eggs are my food of choice. I continuously crave them. And with the versatility of eggs, its not nearly as monotonous as past cravings. Fried, scrambled, hard boiled, egg salad, faux mcmuffins, egg sandwiches, quiche and oh so much else, there is nothing they can't do.

The only problem is that the second stage of the cycle causes whatever food I binge on to become the most disgusting thing imaginable. It's like I've eaten my years supply of that food in the space of a week, and my body will not tolerate anymore until the quota as been reset, thus ending the cycle. I really don't want this to happen to eggs.

I like eggs, even before they attacked, they were one of my favorite food. They're delicious, easy and cheap, what's not to like? Gagging at the very thought of them for several months is not appealing. So, I'm trying to break the cycle by rationing down to one egg based meal every 48 hours. I'm not sure I can make it. I'm trying to cook some of my favorites, but all I want is eggs. It's going to be a long week.


  1. I so have the same thing! I just say I have an obsessive personality. That's why I can't drink or anything. I'd be addicted!

  2. Hahah! I go through cycles too. I crave sweet things more after I've had something sweet. :)

  3. I can fall into this cycle sometimes too. Unfortunately, mine don't usually involve healthy food.

  4. Oh my gosh, you always make me laugh. I love this. And I hate eggs most of the time, and I still love it.

  5. I can't say my cravings work this way, though I have had foods that I ate too often that I now cannot stand. When I was a kid, I used to love raisins. Now, they are my personal kryptonite.
