Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Return of 2 Amys

We first came to DC straight from our Oregon Coast honeymoon on a red eye flight. After 16+ hours on planes and in airports we finally managed to guide our cab driver to our previously unseen apartment complex. One excruciating hour of paperwork latter, we finally received the keys to our entirely empty apartment, and more importantly, its promise of sleep. Before collapsing into unconsciousness we managed to muster the energy to fish out the air mattress from our luggage and inflate it.

At about 4pm we finally stirred awake to an apartment devoid of anything except us, a few pieces of luggage, and the echos of our giant angry stomach growls. A quick Google search using pirated internet later and we found our way to a nearby pizza place, thinking that pizza would be the perfect, basic food for tired travelers craving a nice, normal meal.

Ha. 2 Amys was our first introduction to the fact that our corner of DC doesn't just do normal food. 2 Amys is a certified authentic Neopolitan pizzeria. It uses authentic ingredients, wood burning stoves, the whole deal.

In our exhausted, starving state it almost seemed cruel to have to decipher a menu using Italian words like rapini and cockles when we were expecting nothing more exotic than Hawaiian. We each ordered the item that we could best understand, and hoped for the best.

The first sighting of mana couldn't have looked as good as those hot, cheesy disks did descending on our table. After the first taste that none of the prior confusion mattered. We wanted to scarf the whole thing down in one gulp, but not savoring such deliciousness would have been a crime. It tasted amazing, the way food only can when you haven't eaten for almost a day. Their crust was thin and flaky, with little crispy black bits from the wood stove. The toppings were rich and flavorful, the mozzarella obviously fresh and creamy. It was perfection.

We didn't go back for a while, largely because I thought that there was no way it could actually have been as good as my feverishly starving mind had first experienced it. I was wrong. The second time, it was almost better.

It's still one of our favorite places to go out to eat. Even with 40 minute average waits to get in and a loud and crowded dining room, it's well worth it for that delicious pizza. When the weather gets warm, there is nothing better than waiting outside in the sunshine, chatting, people watching and eagerly anticipating that first bite.

We don't go out that often during the winter (it's such a pain to go anywhere in bad weather without a car), and even when we do, it doesn't always work out. With the return of Spring, I hope we can give date night a comeback, and I couldn't think of any place better to get things going again than 2 Amys. I was right, after the first bite tonight, it felt like falling in love all over again.


  1. Agreed with Boob Nazi I want pizza, right now.

  2. Mmmm, I want that.

    I have no complaints about the food here in the Bay Area (it's amazing, really, and you can get delicious authentic just about anything--except the Mexican food's much worse than in SD, despite what people who have only lived here will tell you) but when I went to DC/Arlington last year everywhere we ate was REALLY good. The restaurant scene was really fun. We're planning another trip there (possibly sometime in May) and I'm excited!

    Also, it's fun that you guys have a local restaurant that feels like yours, and has special meaning to you.

  3. OH MY, OH MY 2 Amy's is the best pizza ever. Of all time. Forever.

    The Etna is like a little slice of heaven.

    Just took a friend there yesterday. Scrum-diddly-umptious.

  4. Oh are making me want pizza too!
