Friday, March 19, 2010

Flip Flop Feet

One of the only downsides to a wonderful day full of walking under the warm sunshine, is that warm sunshine means that I have to bring my flip flops back out into the light of day. A few years ago I splurged on a pair of Rainbows, and I've never looked back. They are comfy, and they let my feet feel free and happy. If I could, I would wear them everyday, and only the threat of frostbite makes me give them up each winter. I mourn when the first day comes that makes it clear that I've been wearing them for beyond what is prudent. For most of the winter my feet feel suffocated in their shoe prison, but once the sun shines, they revel in the freedom and joy of flip flops.

Yes I know, flip flops aren't "real shoes." I don't care. Until I have a real job or some other compelling reason to wear "real shoes" everyday, I'll continue to bask in flip flop freedom whenever I can. 

The only downside to flip flops, is that for the first couple of weeks, my feet have to readjust. It's not a pretty process, and I somehow manage to forget about it every year. So every year I bust them out and run around in excitement. And every year I end up with painful scabs and blisters between my toes. It's almost as though the Universe is trying to remind me that maybe I'm getting a little to old for this.


  1. Rainbows are the worst for adjusting but it's sooo worth it!

  2. I'm such a flip flop snob. Unless they're nice sandals, I only wear Havaianas. And I'm too cheap to buy them in the US, so I wait until I'm in Brasil and then stock up. I probably have 12 pairs in my closet, and I wear them daily. One of the perks to living in Texas/working from home.

  3. I hate flip flop feet. In fact, I hate it so much that I don't really think that it is worth it. I will stick with sandals!

  4. I had a pair of flip flops that had a fabric strap that didn't cause the 2 week blister ridden foot break in. They were so wonderful I wore holes in the bottoms. I think I need new ones this year :( Too cold here still for flip flops though! (Tangent: Older people around here call flip flops thongs and I'm always thrown off for a few minutes before I figure out what the heck they're talking about!)

  5. I love flips....even if they aren't real shoes. It drives my husband crazy how often I wear them.....something about them having practically no support. Whatever.


    I know what you mean about shoe prison. I've been trying to wear my flippyflops since the snowmegedon residue melted in the middle of February. Which some days was not a wise choice.

    Finally, real jobs should never deter flip flop wearage. I have a semi legit job and I still wear mine to and from the office. Heels full time are for the birds!
