Sunday, May 23, 2010

And then the cell phone took over the world, enslaving us all

My brick of a cellphone is officially dead. It lived a good long life for a cellphone, over 4 years of dutiful service. But, as it will now only hold a charge for 8 hours of nothingness and 10 minutes f active duty, it's time to be retired.

I haven't really been paying attention, but now that I'm in the market, I'm slightly terrified of what phones can do now. My old one couldn't even take a picture, and now there are eerie droids floating around. I've just seen too much sci-fi too trust one of those. Also, I'm cheap, but don't get me wrong, the creepy feeling that my phone could be smarter than me plays a role in my reluctance to acquire one. 

Truly, I would have been happy just sing my old one forever. It made calls, received texts and told me the time. It's all that I ever needed and expected. I didn't really even use it that much, I'm just not a big phone person. I barely use mine as it is, and I'm kind of bitter that it is just necessary enough to warrant a bill every month. I don't want a shiny, expensive super phone, just something that lets me stay somewhat connected to people (but not too connected).

Still, everyone with an Iphone or smart phone seems to adore theirs, so I probably just don't know what I'm missing. Any smart phone love out there? Or do you keep it simple?


  1. I have an old Razr that I inherited. No data plan, etc. Which is totally fine for me, but also because a) I work from home so ninety percent of the time I have internet access anyway and b) I know enough people who have internet access on their phones that if we really need it chances are someone around me has it. Or I can just call J or my dad at work or something and get an answer if I'm not with them (aka, they Google for me). Also, did you know you can text Google for free? Super useful when you need like an address or something.

    But, yes, I know everyone loves their smart phones. I'm trying to hold off because I'm sure if I ever got one it'd be hard to switch back too. I just can't justify $30/month. Seriously, it's too much.

  2. I was like you — had a basic cell phone for several years until my birthday in December when my husband got me a Droid. Even though actual parts of my old phone were falling off, I didn't want to get a "big-girl phone" (a friend's lingo) for some unknown reason.

    Well, thank you husband! I love my new phone. I'm a twitter and news junkie (and since I work in the news industry, it's really helpful), so I never feel like I'm too disconnected. I don't love the extra $25/month, but you do get what you pay for -- in a good way. I'd say jump in and get one.

  3. Try the blackberry curve. My phone died after three years and I really like it. Sean has the iphone which I love but I am not on the right service plan.

  4. Can I just say CRACKberry? Dude, they are super addicting. Not sure if it is a good or a bad thing, but I am obsessed with my cute little purple blackberry and will never go back to basics... unless I have to choose between a phone and eating.

  5. I have a lame-o personal phone (it does have a keyboard for easy texting, but I hate texting, so that feature is lost on me). I have a blackberry for work and use it all. the. time. It's addictive. I love the Google Maps feature because I get lost all the time. My husband until recently had a regular old flip phone but just upgraded to the Droid. We had a credit card rewards gift card and then there was a $100 rebate offer for the phone, so we made out like bandits. The $100 rebate came a week later, which was awesome! He looooves the Droid. It also has a pretty decent camera. The web pages load faster than they do on my bberry.

  6. I've had mine for 3 years now, and it still works just fine so I don't see why I should replace it. I use my phone for the most basic stuff - the occasional call home, and texting. I don't bother taking pictures, even though it has a camera. And I don't have internet access because it just seems excessive. But, I'm sure I'll succumb to the smart phone eventually.

  7. I have the Google Android OS on my phone (it's the T-mobile version instead of the Verizon "Droid" version, but the service provider is the only difference) and I LOVE it. It *is* addicting, and it *can* make you unsocial because there are some really addicting games you can download from the Android market. However, the data pack isn't the cheapest thing ever, so if you're concerned with budget, just get a regular phone. As addicting as my phone is, sometimes I think a regular phone with just texting and calling capabilities would be much better.

  8. I used to have an LG Chocolate and always talked about how I'd never use a smart phone and I only liked to text so I didn't need a data plan. When I found out my cell phone was costing me as much as a smart phone would, I made the switch. I'll never go back. I love my iPhone. It's so handy when I'm lost, or out somewhere and need an address or a phone number of a restaurant to call and check hours etc. :)

  9. The most advanced phone I've owned was a Chocolate slide phone. Which I hated. My husband has a touch-screen smart phone (not an iPhone) and he hates it. Both of them had/have problems with pocket dialing.

    So I went back to a flip phone, and I love it. It's simple, and its only extra feature is a camera... although I suppose it could connect to the internet somehow if I wanted it to? I have no idea.

  10. I still have a good ol' Razor....I've had it for 3-4 years. It works and since I've never had a fancy phone, I don't really know what I'm missing. I'm sure if I had an iphone or something similar, I would be playing with it all the time.
