Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Home Again

Well, I'm back home now. Like so many things, it's a little bitter sweet.

On one hand, this was a perfect week. I can't say how wonderful it was to giggle and talk and play with such great friends in such a great city. Saying those goodbyes, not knowing when we would all see each other again, it ached a little to let go of something so wonderful.

But. Then I get that first big hug and whispered "I missed you." I take that first step into the shoebox, my home and get hit with a rush of warmth and familiarity. (The little bunch of "welcome home" flowers didn't hurt either.) And that felt pretty wonderful too.

Not that I can get too comfy...did I mention that I'm leaving to spend a week in OK with my in-laws on Saturday (with Zach this time...because much as my in-laws and I like each other, he is probably more of a pull for them than me)? Maybe I shouldn't get too excited about my own bed quite yet.


  1. Busy lady!! Glad you had a great trip :)

  2. As much fun as I have whenever I'm on vacation, it's always nice to be back home. Enjoy your bed and your pretty flowers while you're there!
