Sunday, May 2, 2010


So, I haven't been outside since Wednesday. I'd like to say that this is the longest time that I've been confined to my apartment, but, sadly, that would be a lie. Saying that I'm a homebody would be an understatement. It's not that I really mind leaving these four walls, it's just that unless I have a reason too, I generally don't. And as my one and only on campus final isn't until Friday, we haven't needed any new groceries or other errands, and I avoid the library and all its evil stress energy around finals, that means I just haven't felt the pull to go out. Plus, if it's this humid inside my apartment, even with A/C blaring, I can't imagine what it is like outside. The little cactus icon my weatherbug widget is displaying doesn't exactly fill me with optimism.

Even if I have good reasons/excuses/rationalizations, there is still something a little creepy about being in the same small space for such a significant stretch. So, for the rest of finals, I'm instigating a 15 minutes of outside time a day policy, silly and pathetic though it may be. I don't care if I walk around the block three times or just sit on the lawn. I'm sure my vitamin D deprived skin will thank me.


  1. I've done that before. If you can get food delivered, why do you need to leave? haha

  2. Oh me too. I start to get zany after awhile. I have to remind myself to take a shower!

    Good luck with finals!

  3. I'm a homebody too. I'd much rather stay inside and snuggle up with my blanket (or A/C depending on the time of year...) Maybe I should institute the same 15 minute rule for myself ;)

  4. I'm totally the same way. I love being at home!
