Friday, May 21, 2010

The airlines are out to get us all

Well, with just enough time to do a load of laundry (why do I buy so many hand wash only clothes? WHY?) I'm packing again. I hate packing. I'm not really a plan out outfits kind of a girl. I just wake up, look outside (or to be honest, check the weather online) and then throw on whatever feels right that day that isn't totally impractical. Preferably something clean, but I'm willing to compromise on that. So the idea of limiting myself to just a few things is horrible. What if I wake up and I really want to wear the cute green shirt, but I didn't pack it, so now I'm stuck wearing the only semi-cute blue shirt and the whole day just feels wrong? Trust me, for the rest of the trip I will obsess over that green shirt. Anything that goes remotely wrong will be directly traceable to its absence. (If only I had the green shirt I would have been more confident, thus resulting in my confidence scarring off the ninjas who have now kidnapped me and are holding me hostage in their volcano laboratory, running biological experiments on me, turning me into a dinosaur/human super soldier hybrid. Great, now I've been shot by James Bond. Stupid green shirt.)

In the past this wasn't that big of a problem. I would just throw 50lbs of whatever into my giant suitcase, check it and luxuriate in the joy of having half of my closet at my disposal. Sure, I was always paranoid about the bag being lost, along with all my wearable clothes, but it was worth it.

But now? Now we live in the days of $25 each way checked bag fees. And somehow $50 just doesn't seem worth that freedom. So, I just try to smush as much as humanly possible into a carry on and deal. It's probably been good for me.

I've learned to deal with the lack of wardrobe options, but I'm still flummoxed by how to deal with the no liquid thing. You see, I have ridiculously sensitive skin. As in, the one time I was out of deodorant so I used Zach's once, I ended up with a rash for a week from my elbow to my belly button. This last week in NYC I forgot to pack my normal lotion, and now have eczema all over my legs. They look like raw hamburger. I'm somewhat dependent on all my nice little products to continue looking and feeling like a normal human being.

Unfortunately, the TSA is apparently is concerned that my humanizing lotion could kill us all, so, that kind of sucks. On one hand, I really would like to make efforts to not me covered in itchy red splotches. On the other hand, $50. (On the third hand, planning ahead and getting travel sizes of what I need, or at least empty containers to put stuff in. But in this instance, as in life for most people, there is no third hand.)

Sometimes I think making airtravel horrible is some sort of super secret anti-terrorism plan. Most of the time, it's just not worth the hassle.


  1. Yuck for the rashes without your lotion. We keep all our stuff in miniatures in a cupboard in our bathroom because I don't function without my face wash.

    I highly recommend rolling all your clothes. You'll fit WAY more in that way :) That green shirt doesn't have to be left behind ;)

    Have a great trip!!

  2. We've had to suck it up a few times and pay the fee. So annoying. I would rather they include the baggage fee in the ticket price. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss.
