Sunday, May 16, 2010

This city is magical

I'm always amazed  at how easy it is to slip back into old friendships. Seriously. I haven't seen these girls since my Wedding, which was close to two years ago. And yet here we are, laughing and chatting and just being friends.

Of course, being in a great city helps matters. Like most sane people I don't really love downtown, but Central Park is nothing short of magical. It's like a fairy kingdom there. 

Anyways. I'll do pictures and whatnot when I get home.  Mostly because I was silly and didn't bring my laptop and typing via Ipod touch or stealing someone else's just isn't that fun. Besides, kind of busy now.


  1. I'm so jealous that you are in NY. I've never of these days I'll get out there. Have a great time with your friends. Great friends like that are priceless.
