Monday, May 24, 2010


I'm from Oregon, where it is perfect. I don't say that to boast, it's just a fact. And part of that perfection includes perfect summers, where it gets a little warm, but rarely humid. While I thoroughly enjoyed that perfection, it didn't really do the best at preparing me for less ideal places. And by less ideal places, I mean anyplace with humidity.

I just don't get it, and in fact, I actively try to forget it. It works well until that first day every summer when I innocently walk outside and slam into a wall of air, thick with moisture clinging to and attacking every inch of me. I'll try to wade through it, even as the swamp air clogs my lungs, choking me, sweat rolling down my face, blinding me, until finally I'm forced into a strategic retreat back in the A/C. I'll see others wandering around outside, and I just don't get how they do it.

I understand heat. You just wear minimal clothing and try to stand in the shade. It's a little unpleasant, but bearable, I do not understand humidity. I assume that there is someway of bearing it, making it less miserable. So far, my only solution is to move back to Oregon. I'm still working on that one.


  1. I totally identify. I grew up and have lived in the desert my entire life. I feel like I'm in a steam room when I'm anywhere with even a little bit of humidity. I do not understand how someone can live in it.

  2. I refuse to go to a hot and humid place.

  3. I am from Oregon...Lake Oswego. Where are you from?

  4. I can't believe you said Oregon is perfect. You obviously haven't lived in California. Specifically, San Diego. Maybe we should just agree that West Coast states are the best.

    I have never truly experienced humidity, unless you count time I've spent in a steam room.

  5. I am sorry that you are suffering the humidity in DC. Would you rather be suffering the snow that fell YESTERDAY in Provo? Let's trade.

  6. Where is Oregon did you grow up? I have family in Portland and Bend. My Dad worker at Sunriver for years.

  7. I have loved living in Oregon...we're down near Eugene. I love not having to deal with humidity. My hair and humidity are not friends.

  8. I want to go to Oregon.

    I'm from Austin and am quite familiar with humidity. Houston is the worst. I don't know how people survived there before AC was invented. I'm in Fort Worth now, which is less bad than Austin and a desert compared to Houston, but it's still humid enough.

  9. I'm working on the "moving back to Oregon" thing, too... I'll let you know how it goes.
