Monday, May 31, 2010

Inspirational Thought

Today I wanted to watch a movie, so I wandered over to Netflix Instant to see if anything caught my eye. I haven't used it for a while, and had forgotten just what a high ratio of horrible to decent movies there are on there. It's a repository of awfulness, forever preserved and easily accessible. I don't know whether I should be appalled that so many horrible films somehow managed to be made (with all the people involved in making a film, how did no one see that this was a bad idea?), or inspired that quality isn't always necessary for success.


  1. I like the instant option because A.) I can watch fun yet less than popular TV shows like Bones, Lie to Me and Law and Order: SVU and B.) Sometimes you need to watch an awful movie. Like Speed.

    But I had a similar conversation about this, also inspired by Netflix Instant Queue. How many movies have been produced in the last 75 years? Lots. How many are excellent? Much less than lots.

  2. I completely agree about Netflix. Perhaps you should become a director? I am confident that I'd watch your movies.

  3. Sometimes I look at the Instant queue just for amusement. Lately, though, I've been watching the Star Trek films, and some of them have been on Instant. However, it's only the middle ones that are on Instant. Good job, Netflix. Good job.
    My boyfriend's computer is permanently logged on to Netflix now because his computer streams films better than mine does. Now every time I log in, I'm asked to rate another TV show from my Instant Queue--often things I've never heard of.

  4. We were looking at the movies in instant watch last night. I haven't heard of almost all of them. All 3 seasons of Arrested Development is on it though....that makes it worth it.
