Monday, July 26, 2010

My Guardian Angel of Sloth

So did not want to get out of bed this morning. Which, to be fair, describes every morning, but it really, really describes Monday mornings. I suppose they wouldn't be so bad if I would keep sensible habits over the weekend, but it's so hard to be sensible when you don't have to.

Still this morning was hard enough that \I decided to take advantage of my flexible schedule for once, sleep in a bit and just go the office a little later than normal. I felt guilty, of course, but overall it just felt good.

Still, I had to go to work sometime. Checked my e-mail one more time, and suddenly my day went from files and sensible shoes to sweat pants and hulu. Because in that last minute before heading out the door, I had gotten an e-mail saying that the law school was closed. Not from the actual law school of course, because that would just be too sensible, but from the career people extending some deadline because the building was closed due to power outages from yesterday's thunder storms.

It was a sloth angel miracle. I was not only being granted all the benefits of a snow day, without any actual snow or inconvenience, but was also being blessed for my laziness in getting started. To think that had I gotten up on time, I would have received no e-mail and had to turn around and come home, having wasted $1.50 in bus fair, and time that could have been spent sleeping.

Things like this make it very difficult to get into good, responsible adult habits, but I'm to busy not being in the office* to worry about that right now.

*Technically I'll be trying to work from home today. And I really will try to be good, but since none of the big, essential files are here, I can't help but be limited.


  1. Don't you love when things like that happen!? I think one of the worst things in the world is when you get all ready to go some place and just as you're ready you find out whatever you were going to is cancelled. Enjoy your extra day of relaxation :)

  2. Working from home is definitely not for me. I was going to try to finish up some work that I've been putting off (for my second job), but my computer died. With the files in it. I wish I didn't just remember that last detail.

  3. I wish things like that happened more often.

  4. I love it! Thank goodness you'd retained your youthful insight into the benefit of sloth and hadn't gotten too adult yet. ::nods:: It is sort of like using computers for work. Sometimes being young is good. ;-)
