Friday, July 9, 2010

Reason #62 why I only have 220 facebook "friends"

You all know how facebook tries to match people up with their little hey, be friends with this person box, right? Most of the people who show up mean nothing to me, but every now and again I see a familiar face show up. I'll get a little excited about the possibility to catch up, or at least stalk and wonder why I wasn't friends with them already. And then just before I go to click the friend button, I'm can't help but wonder if maybe at one point we were facebook friends, at least until they dumped me. And how petty and needy is it going to look for me to come crawling back, begging for another chance to renew our beautiful acquaintanceship?

And that's why I never ever send friend requests on facebook. 


  1. Well, I'm glad I sent you that friend request. Was I friend 220???

  2. I frequently purge my facebook friend list. ;) Lots of those people try to re-add me all the time. What can ya do.

  3. "Only"? Haha I have like, 87. I think the last ten were from my boyfriend looking at his friends list and saying "why aren't you friends with them?" I don't like to send friend requests to people because I'm shy, which is ridiculous.
    I don't like I've tried to re-friend anyone.
    This morning I ignored a friend request from the mom of a guy I went to high school with/she was also my primary teacher 15 years ago. Really? Really.
    The whole friending thing on Facebook is weird to me.

  4. I have had the same thoughts.....many times I am too chicken to add people. Oh well.
