Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blow Out

I haven't used a blow drier in years. I'm a night showerer, so it's usually not that big of a deal to let things air dry, but every now and again waiting for my crazy long and thick hair to finally dry so I can flat iron it into submission is a trial of patience.

So when I saw a blow drier at Costco for $15, I decided it was time to get on board with fried but quickly dried hair.

After the next shower, I let things air dry for a bit, got frustrated  with waiting around for so long and decided to go use my new toy. And walked out of the bathroom looking like this:

Yes, Zach laughed his head off. And so did I. Silly me, I assumed that all you did with a blow drier was point the hot air at your hair, and it would dry and look like normal dried hair. I assure you, that is not normal, dried hair for me. Apparently it is possible to mess up something as simple as drying your hair, because I certainly did.

Apparently I now get to learn yet another piece of normal girl life. And just when I was starting to learn how to wear matching outfits other that jeans and t-shirts.

Or I could just continue to flat iron my hair into some semblance of normalcy.

(Also, I would like to point out that I'm not wearing any makeup in either of these. Granted, posting that first picture just about killed any hopes of blog vanity, but still.)


  1. I totally get it. My blow dryer is a handy thing to have, but I don't know what I would do without my straightener. It's the best invention ever.

  2. You think that was fun, try it with thick hair that's not quite shoulder-length. Wheeee!
    If I don't want to straighten my hair after blow drying it, I have to take it in sections, use a brush, and avoid all temptation to take the faster way out (flipping my head upside down and getting it from all angles). Patience, boo.

  3. Is your hair naturally curly? You need a diffuser if so :)
    I can blow dry my hair all day long and it doesn't really change much. I guess I'm lucky?

  4. That is awesome! And you are awesome for posting these photos! I am very, very jealous of your non-crazy hair, btw. How long does it take you to flat iron it?

  5. Your hair is just like mine. Long, thick, curly, and wild after blow-drying. If I want it to just dry faster without bothering with a straightener, I have to use a diffuser. But I usually lose patience, and it still ends up kind of frizzy anyway.
