Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spring Break: the prequel

Spring break is next week. Not that I'm going anywhere fun or doing anything exciting. So far our big plans include maybe going to the National Zoo and me trying to get Zach to go to the paint your own pottery place that I've been suggesting for about a year. I don't care if it is a cliche date, I want to make something pretty and play with paint. Really, if we spend Spring Break doing more than sleeping in and moping around the shoebox, I'll be fairly ecstatic.

Despite the less than exciting but predictable reality of break, what makes it truly exciting is what it represents -  one whole week of utterly free time. I could send out hundreds of resumes, deep clean the apartment, get started on all my upcoming papers, have wild and crazy adventures and still have plenty of time to laze about. Theoretically. Like how theoretically the Earth's core is inhabited by malevolent mole people, waiting for the right time to take their place as overseers of the top world. It's true, I swear! Theoretically, anyways. 

So, with all that coming up, why should I do anything this week? I have plenty of time to do the big things latter. Guess how much I'm getting accomplished this week? Somewhere in the neighborhood of zip, nada, zilch. Readings are being skimmed, papers and projects are getting tossed to the wayside. And it's only Tuesday.

This week is sort of Spring Break: the prequel. It isn't nearly as exciting as the main event, not much happens and it's kind of pointless. But boy-howdy, is it a great time suck. 


  1. I was in a class for 3 hours today and have NO IDEA what she taught. I don't even get a spring break, but I'm on one right now.

  2. Did you get the email about the Summer Legal Internship with the ACLU Women's Right Project? It sounded really cool & reminded me of you. Email me if you want me to forwarded to you kate at kateandneil.com!

  3. I do the same thing! Overestimate how much I will get done during down time, and then accomplish nothing leading up to said downtime! Enjoy having a break!
