Friday, August 27, 2010


I was looking through old photos the other day, and was reminded that when I lived in DC for the first time in Fall 07 (internship undergrad thing), I had this constant thing of posing in imitation of statues.

I know it's more than a little dorky, but I kind of love it. Thanks for the laughs, past me.

Also, am I the only one who thinks of past and future versions of myself as kind of being entirely separate people?

Not so much imitation, but I think I'm getting frisky with a bronze founding father. Yah.


  1. Ha! I think everyone has done the same thing at one point or another. I might have some similar photos from a high school choir trip to DC, now that I think about it. (Which reminds me - I would love to visit DC again, since it's been so long.)

    That last picture (and caption) are priceless. Getting frisky with a bronze founding father. Definitely made me giggle.

  2. When my boyfriend graduated in May, his family came down & me, him & his siblings posed in imitation of the statues on campus. Good times.

    And yeah, I see the past and future versions of myself being really different people thing. I keep trying to get into the mindset of last year and try to remember what it was like but I can't really think of it without being who I am now. It's weird/annoying.

  3. You know you've been in law school too long when you see the title "Statues" and read "Statutes" instead.
