Monday, August 16, 2010

Wedding Week - Honeymoon

Ok, last post on all the wedding stuff, I swear.

Zach and I just did an extended weekend honeymoon on the Oregon coast. While this decision was made mostly because we didn't have the money to go much farther, and with school starting soon we needed to move and get settled in DC quickly so a long trip would have been kind of silly.
Much as I would love to go someplace amazing and tropical someday together, I'm glad we kept things simple for our honeymoon. It was so so good to just relax. We each had been to the coast before, so there was no pressure to do too much, or anything at all. 

We stayed in a small B&B in Wheeler, OR. Which isn't actually right on the Oregon coast, it's more on a bay. But it was only a short drive away from Cannon Beach, and much cheaper. Like most B&B's it was a really sweet little place, but not too over the top, even if our room was very yellow.

We loved the huge bed, even if on the first night I would consistently cuddle up closer to Zach, he would scoot away from me and my heat, ad infinitum, until we woke up the next morning with Zach clinging to the very edge of the bed and me happily curled up next to him.

You can't see it, but there was also a little TV in there. I know I should say we were so busy having fun, but even on vacation we're homebodies. Let's just say that Comedy Central had a perpetual scrubs marathon that weekend, and we spent at least 20% of our honeymoon curled up watching Scrubs. Which I consider to be a perfectly good way of spending a honeymoon. Some may disagree.

I swear, we did get out and do things. We went up to Cannon Beach every day and walked around. As it usually is on the Oregon coast, the water was far too cold to even contemplate going in, but the beach and the town are so lovely that it didn't really matter. Cannon Beach is the perfect coastal town. They don't allow in any chains, and while there are plenty of touristy places, they manage top avoid the loud jarring feel of other places and just come across as quaint.

On our last night we went to one of the nicer restaurants and had some fantastic seafood. Well, Zach's halibut was amazing, my prawns were only ok. Being our honeymoon and full of lovey doveyness, Zach gave me most of his fish. This was a poor move on his part, as this set a precedent whereby I always steal his food. I can't help it, somehow it always looks better when it's his. As in once he was eating some leftovers, I came over with a fork for a few bites, Zach sensed what was about to happen, gave me the whole plate and went back to make more for himself. I promptly lost my desire to eat any of it, looked up at him with sad eyes, and proclaimed that I think I only wanted it because he had it, it just wasn't any good when it was mine. 


For our main momento and first co-home decor decision we bought a photograph thing from one of the big gift stores. They had thousands of pictures to choose from, and we spent well over an hour trying to find the perfect thing. We finally decided we like the 3 photo display, but wanted slightly different pictures of the coast and Portland. We sheepishly asked if they would pretty please change things out, it was no big deal, and while it was a pain to bring that big thing back east, it's a fun reminder. (My picture of the picture is crooked, I promise, it is not.)

Almost as soon as it began our mini-honeymoon was over. A quick stop to say goodbye to my family and we were on our red eye flight over to our new home and our new life.


  1. Lovely :) I think watching Scrubs would be a great honeymoon too.

    We seriously considered the Oregon coast. I think we're going to camp it next year instead though. :)

  2. I've never been to the Oregon coast before (only to the middle of the state); it looks beautiful.

  3. I spent a summer working in Portland and I loved being able to take day trips to the coast. It is gorgeous out there. As for honeymoon, my husband and I read three books each and watched a ton of really bad movies in our hotel room. Vegging out = best part of honeymoon.
