Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Social Honesty

Sometimes I wish it was socially acceptable to just tell someone, point plank and to their face that "I just don't like you." And then everyone would just move on.

Just that, nothing else. No statements of loathing, because it's not hate or anything remotely that emotionally powerful, just a simple dislike that surfaces when and only when you have to interact. No rationalizations for how they are a worthwhile human being, because of course they are, just not one that jives with me. Just a nice, simple, air clearing statement where everyone can acknowledge what was already obvious. 

Just generally, I wish we could be more straight with how we feel about others. Sure, there are some great reasons not to, but all the same there are sometimes it sounds so nice and simple.


  1. also, I'm deleting my comment so she doesn't stumble upon it or something.

  2. Oh...I wish that I could do this from time to time. It would sure be easier than pretending to get along with someone.

  3. You have no idea how much this applies to my life...

    I die a little bit inside every time I have to fake a smile and interact with someone I genuinely don't like and never will for that matter. Most of these people are extended family members which, I think just makes it worse. I share blood with these people, and I loathe them. Does that make me a bad person? Probably.

    I hate keeping up appearances.
