Friday, August 20, 2010

Legal Swag

I had forgotten how much swag 1Ls get to try and assure them that law school is an exciting and worthwhile choice that will lead them to innumerable rewards and riches (juries still out on that one).

Clinic orientation just happened to be happening during 1L orientation, and without even trying I've managed to pick up two free lunches, a muffin, a pocket constitution, various pens, a very fancy hardbound book full of various sizes and colors of post it notes, and best of all a flash drive that came in a semi-nice metal box.

Of course, the main difference between 1L me and 3L me, is that 1L me took this as sure sign that I was a valued future legal rockstar about to embark on a magical life of perks and privilege. 3L me is just thrilled that she managed to "steal" free stuff that wasn't intended for her. Make of that what you will.


  1. They couldn't tell you weren't a 1L? Because the look of panic on the 1L faces I passed during orientation this week was pretty distinguishing. =) Good luck with the start of the new semester!

  2. Free stuff is awesome....that would have made my day.
