Monday, August 9, 2010

2 Years

We've been married for 2 years today. Which means we've now been married longer than we were dating and engaged. Which simultaneously feels like we've been married forever and like we just started yesterday.

I never did a wedding blog and got to show off the whole wedding shabang. So this week I'm going to turn this into a mini wedding blog and try to recap things before I forget it all.

Partially because even 2 years out I still like seeing weddings (if I see even the most distant friend tagged in wedding pictures on facebook for a couple I don't know, I will wander over and look at every last photo) and I flatter myself that some people might be interested in mine. But mostly because that was a good day. Not a perfect day, not the best day of my life. But the life we have now, being together is pretty great. It's still life, with all the normal good and bad of life, but I'd rather experience some bad things with Zach, than have him missing from the good things. I'm excited to see where our lives take us, excited to have kids and grow old together. And how that all got started is well worth remembering.


  1. Happy anniversary lady!! I can't wait to see the wedding photos. I love weddings (and wedding photos) :)

  2. Happy anniversary! I love looking at wedding photos, too. There's just something magical about people's "big day," isn't there? Even when you don't know them, it's fun to see.

  3. Happy anniversary, you two! I think you pretty much nailed it: "I'd rather experience some bad things with Zach than have him missing from the good things." That is SO true. Though I'll replace Zach with DJ for myself. ;)

    Looking forward to your mini-recap. I hope y'all have a few blissful moments today, just the 2 of you.
