Sunday, June 5, 2011

No Biggie

Well, hello again. Since the last time I posted I've:
  • Finished Finals and final hearings. So I could..
  • Graduate from law school
  • Done the DC tourist blitz with my family
  • Done the DC favorite thing blitz with my Zach
  • Packed up every last little thing I own, stuck it in a truck and drove for 24+ hours, unpacked it and crammed it into a little bedroom and a big closet in Zach's parents house in Oklahoma.
  • Started studying for the bar
So, you know nothing big. I'd like to say that this means I'll be blogging more, catching up and what not, but apparently I'm supposed to be studying in my sleep. Of course, I was also supposed to do that in law school, so we'll see. I do enjoy procrastination more than property.


  1. Wow! I'll remember this when I want to complain about my busy summer.

    Congrats on graduating and I hope the move went well!

  2. Congratulations on graduating!! And I hope you find some fun stuff and people in Oklahoma.

    Good luck on the bar!

  3. Congratulations on graduating! And on surviving the move! And on still being able to formulate and intelligible sentence (ie, one without legal jargon - hee!) after all that studying!
