Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oklahoma - In with the good

So back to that whole moving to Oklahoma thing. Have I mentioned that I have mixed feelings about that? Because I do. I so do. In an effort to not sound like a complete and total whiner, I'll start with the good. Which is pretty good, but as I said, complicated, mixed feelings.

The biggest and bestest part of Oklahoma is that Zach was accepted into the Political Science Ph.D. program! Horray! Very, very good and happy news. And he has decent odds of getting full funding (tuition, 1k a month stipend, oh yah, baby, we're living large). Also fantastic.

It's a decent program, but more importantly it means that Zach does not have to give up on his dream, that he gets to move forward on to hopefully awesome things. 

The second best part is that Zach's parents live there. Fortunately, Zach loves his parents. I like them quite well, and am moving closer to the love. It will be nice for everyone to get to know each other better. And I do kind of mean everyone. Zach and his family are close, but anytime people have lived so far apart for so long, that can't help but change things.

Also, it will be really, really nice to have a support network. There have been a few times out here where I've realized that if something was wrong, something beyond what Zach and I could handle, we don't really have anyone we could call. Which is entirely our own fault and the natural result of a hermit lifestyle and subpar interpersonal skills. Still, the idea that we could call people to help us move furniture or pick up some pepto-bismal in an emergency is going to be fantastic. And if they need us, it will be nice to be right there and able to do something.

Compared to DC, we will be able to live like Kings. The cost of living is crazy inexpensive. It's become my new hobby to look of real estate in the university town we'll be relocating to. I've found cute little houses that we could buy for less than I spent on law school tuition in a year. More realistically, I've found several lovely little houses and duplex that we could rent for 1/3 of what we currently spend. Twice the room for 1/3 the cost sounds heavenly. Ooo, and we could even paint! Or enjoy such luxuries as multiple rooms. Ah, the indulgence.

Really, it would be tight, but with Zach's stipend we could probably cover our bare living expenses. And that's nice.

And uh, those are the only 3 good things I can think of. Which leads me to the things I'm not crazy about post...


  1. Wait, did I miss something?? You're moving to Oklahoma?? Crazy!

    That sounds nice, though, in its own ways. One of my favorite bloggers just moved back to Oklahoma and it sounds really lovely. (I don't read her very often, but doesn't the Pioneer Woman live there too?) Also, I am jealous in advance of the insanely cheap cost of living. I want that.

    I'm excited to hear more about this!

  2. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the list of things you aren't thrilled about is shorter than this list. :/ It's a very exciting adventure either way though, congrats!

  3. I hope it goes well! I might be making a big cross-country move this year, and it's kind of freaking me out.

  4. Good luck with the move! When we moved from Oregon to Idaho, it was kind of crazy....but we couldn't be happier.
