Friday, April 30, 2010

A Brief Refresher on the Freedom of Speech

I keep coming across people who have said something idiotic, offensive, or both. Understandably, some people have responded by pointing out the idiocy or offensiveness of said statement, perhaps in a critical manner. To which the first person responds back to by screaming about how their right to freedom of speech is being violated.

I don't think that freedom of speech means what they seem to think that it means.

Freedom of speech is the right to speak or otherwise express yourself without censorship or limitation by the government. Plain and simple.*

Free speech does not mean that no one can ever criticize your speech. It does not even mean that other people can't suggest that you shouldn't have said what you said. It certainly does not mean that others have to gave you a platform to speak.

Look, as uncomfortable as it can often be (how people can find it acceptable to say some of the things they do, I'll never understand) I support the freedom of speech. Horrible as it can be, it's important, and I get that. I support the right of all people to say whatever horrible things they want. I just happen to think that maybe they shouldn't, and at times I might use my freedom of speech to say so.

*Ok, it's not that plain and simple. There are all sorts of controversial exceptions and dilemmas. They just don't really matter for the sake of this overly simple post. Feel free to use your freedom of speech to criticize my oversights and shortcomings.


  1. Amen, sister! Can I print this on a card and hand it out when needed? :)

  2. "at times I might use my freedom of speech to say so."
    At this moment, I am going to use my freedom of speech to say I MISS YOU, GENA! I used to love randomly running into you at the Wilk at lunch and scaring away rednecks that were against recycling (among other things). Why are we thousands of miles apart? I think I should come to DC and visit you... or maybe I just want to go to DC. Either way, I have the freedom to say it.

  3. Word.


    I actually wish more peeps would just read the actual Constitution. I think we'd all be better off... or at least make clear-er arguments.

    I don't have your email (and I also quit FB)... but, tomorrow we are having a little Mormon May Day picnic after church talk about radical (moderate, liberal) politics in the context of Mormonism.

    Please join us if you need a study break & some broccoli Asian salad (& invite your hubby)! We'll likely just congregate outside the CChase chapel grass after the meetin's.
