Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to the Zach

Zach turned 27 today. You know how when you are a kid, everyone seems so old, and 20 may as well be 30, which is close to death? From my youngin' perspective (I'm 4 years younger than Zach), 27 seems awfuly close to 30, which does kind of make me go whoa. But, still we celebrated.

We celebrated by gallivanting all over the Nat'l Zoo, where we got to look at sleeping animals and get horribly hot and sweaty. It's the funny thing about being happy - objectively, it was kind of a zoo failure. Really hot, really humid and of the half of the animals we could find, about half of them were asleep. (Which is why the picture for this post is a stone lion.) Well, most were asleep, with the exception of the lions, who were cuddling, and then, well, doing more than cuddling. Which was fun, mostly because the reactions of all the parents were kind of hilarious. But, while the actually stuff was kind of a miss, we were to happy to be out and about, spending some good time together to really care.

Also, we had some really good Thai food.

But mostly just the joy of us. I'm glad you're around Zach. You make even the hottest and humidiest of days not just bearable, but enjoyable. Happy Birthday.

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