Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Get Loose

Well, my new job started today. On one hand, the part of me who likes nice, neat orderly routines is twitching. I still have no idea what I'm going to be doing each and every day, or even what my schedule will be. I think that being told that things are kind of relaxed, and just do whatever works was meant to be comforting.I'm wondering how anyone in the severe Type A atmosphere could possibly think that would be comforting. I consider myself relaxed and free flowing - for a law student anyways. But the thought of no routine, no consistency, no idea what to expect sends chills down my spine.

On the other hand, I came in at 10am today and was home by 3:30, because that's just when we were done. I may learn to like this looseness.


  1. Good luck on your job!!! I liked working so much more as a 2L because I felt like I finally actually knew something opposed to 1L year.

    Enjoy the summer!

  2. Yay for passing the hurdle of the first day. I'm type A like that too. No structure stresses me out!

  3. I love having a loose schedule. I will admit, though, that I am much more producitve when my days aren't loose. Good luck with your job!
