So Zach got his wisdom teeth out. I, as usual, was worried for no good reason. Everything went fine getting up there - which for public transit is a wonderful blessing. We did get off of the bus a little late, and had to walk through some crazy cold winds, but that's just me whining. Really, the main hurdle was the unexpectedly high bill. We do have insurance, but like most student insurance the deductible is low (I think our yearly deductible for dental is $150 per person) but the co-pays are high. Fortunately we have a little wiggle room in our student loan money, but I'll be cringing from the $1,000+ bill for a while. But hey, we did have the money and the insurance, which is worth being grateful for.
I don't know how the actual operation went for Zach, what with him being unconscious, and me hanging out in the lobby for an hour with a decent book. I haven't read for fun in a while - although if it takes Zach getting expensive surgery for me to read, its probably not worth it.
Zach was surprisingly lucid after the operation. Well, his mouth was full of gauze, so he couldn't really talk, but he seemed lucid. Kind of wobbly, but not to bad. Which is good, because I had to ditch him in the lobby while I ran across the street to grab his prescription before the cab that wasn't a cab came to take us home. Aren't I so loving and prepared?
You see, like most things I found a cab company on the internet. I apparently was silly to assume that Montgomery cab co. was a normal, regulated, cab company with standardized fare, like most cabs are in DC. No, it was a fancy towncar service. Which was nice, but I really wasn't fond of paying $75 just to get home. Fortunately it got us home in a prompt manner, and we happily settled into a weekend of Zach hanging out on the couch and living off of mashed potatoes and gellato and be trying to hover enough to take care of him but not so much to drive either of us crazy.
Things didn't get really exciting until Saturday night. Zach started out the morning just fine, but as the day went on his energy drained down to nothing - simultaneously and consequentially draining my nurturing reserves. I didn't really have much left for me, and kind of didn't eat much at all that day. I'm not much for cooking, and had expended most of my cooking energy making mashed potatoes and re-fried beans. So around 7pm or so I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and collapsed onto the floor where I had a massive seizure. One of the really bad ones, where I feel pinned to the floor, choked on my pain tears, and can't even scream because I don't have the muscle control to make any noise more controlled than a soft moan. Zach was only about 8ft away - but being the genius I am, I got him sound-blocking headphones for Christmas. They're very effective. I think he noticed I was still in the kitchen after 5 minutes or so and came looking for me - although honestly there really isn't much you can do to help in a situation like that in the best of times, let alone when your drugged up and recovering yourself. It's still nice to have him there.
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