Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In Celebration

  • The snow has finally begun to melt. No longer are there giant snow banks to hop over, or mountains of snow to scale just to get to the bus stop. I step outside, and just walk. Pretending to be a grand arctic explorer was fun for a day, but being able to walk unencumbered is a great joy.
  • I have a rough draft of a 30pg paper due in a week. For once, I have a professor who believes that a rough draft can and should be rough - not a perfectly polished masterpiece that will only be slightly tweaked. Hello weekend where I can do more than fight with Westlaw and gaze at the blank space of my word processor.
  • I take back my cursing of Zach's brownie aversion. I still have 1/3 of a pan left, and sneaking into the kitchen for a slice feels so good. Even better was just sitting down, eating 1/4 of the pan in one delicious sitting - just basking in the sublime chocolaty richness of it all. No guilt, just pure pleasure. 
  • I had my first seizure that required me to miss class of the semester. I can't believe I went so long without one, and that my body had the good sense to time it so I missed my ethics class (I hate every bit of its trite pretentiousness). Personally, I think this is my bodies way of rewarding me for feeding it brownies.