Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I really, really want to get drunk. Just once. Purely for curiosity sake.

You see I've spent most of my life being a fairly good Mormon Girl - well as far as other Mormons are concerned, I'm dancing my way to hell with all my wanton ways (caffeine! R rated movies! The triple threats of liberalism, academia and feminism!).  But for normal people, I'm a total prude. Part of my prudishness includes an absolute prohibition of alcohol. Not that I've never used it for cooking, or even been to a few interesting parties where it lurked in the vicinity (or a few dinners with nice, responsible adults who appreciate a good Pinot). But actually drinking it, even a little sip has always seemed like the ultimate must not be broken taboo. A line of demarcation that shall not be crossed.

My one experience with alcohol was when I was about 5 or 6. Apparently I was getting really curious about alcohol. My Dad decided that the best way to nip that curiosity in the bud was to give me some. So, he went to the liquor store, asked the clerk what the worst tasting stuff was, bought it, came home, and called me to him. For some reason he felt it was best to tell me that he had some "special" apple juice for me to try. I wasn't an entirely stupid child, and something about the situation just didn't seem right. I gingerly raised the bottle to my mouth, wrinkled my noise and pushed it away. I did';t know what it was, but it sure as hell didn't smell like apple juice. After some significant cajoling on his part and grimacing on mine, I finally took a small sip. I can still remember its rancid, biting taste - or what little I tasted before I spit it all over the room. That on incident cured me of any and all desire for alcohol on the spot. I can't recommend this as a parenting technique in good conscience, but it has been effective for almost two decades.

Alas, the lesson has worn off, and now I'm back to my childish curiosity. I probably won't mostly because its outside my comfort zone, and also because that stuff is crazy expensive. But I still hate knowing that there is this experience out there that most people have had, and I'll never know! Am I a giggly drunk? Mean? Slutty (probably)? I'm sure that I'm happy to avoid a hang-over, but I'll admit to being a bit curious about that as well. I still think it tastes bad (this is why you are careful with children, they are an impressionable, easily scarred lot) but I just want to know whats out there.


  1. I've never had alcohol either. I've never been tempted by it. It's definitely not what tempts me.

  2. Ugh. It's definitely not worth it. I have had a few bad alcohol nights and never wish to repeat them. I drink water now :)

  3. I've never had a drink either. It's never been real tempting to me. Though, I'm pretty sure if I was ever drunk, I would probably be either really mean or I would find everything hilarious.

  4. I've never been drunk either. I am convinced that people act the same way drunk as they do insanely over tired, so I believe that I would just be a crazy crabby drunk. Not much fun, eh?

    I also grew up in a home where alcohol was absolutely prohibited/the tool of the devil. My father grew up in an alcoholic home, so he taught us that there was no amount safe to drink etc. I really believed that only sinners drank, so perhaps my experience was something close to the norm for Mormons?

    Anyway, I ditched most of my parents rules, but decided that I wasn't going to drink until it was legal. I ended up waiting until I was 22 and one of my brothers wanted me to try some drink that he had made. Can you say "meh"?

    Anyway, I have never had more than one drink at once and have no problem with the reasonable enjoyment of alcohol. My husband is pretty much the same way, and we've had a grand total of three bottles of wine in the year and half we've been married. I also love making my own vanilla which requires buying vodka.

    All that to say, alcohol does not have to be some scary all or nothing sort of thing... but at the same time, I don't know what the prohibition really means for a Mormon. I don't think that it is worth drinking if you will feel that it in any way endangers your soul. Because if you feel that way, it might. (seriously)

    If you do decide to drink, I recommend going with a cheap vodka. It should both taste horrible, and give you a killer hangover (for not that many calories;-)). That seems like the simplest way to get the experience without liking it. Various forms of alcohol actually taste quite different from each other, and I don't think that anyone naturally likes cheap vodka except for the purpose of quick intoxication.

  5. I am a new member, since September 27, and now about 10 months - almost 11 months - sober.

    Some moments of those 11 months have been easier than others, but I don't want to go back to those days.

    I love, more than anything, having fun and being silly and enjoying my friends. But the thing I like about being sober is that I still get that experience, but I know I am getting that experience. I am choosing it. I am still aware. And weird things don't happen to my body, and I am not sick the next day!

    To me, that place in my life represents sooo much that I don't even want a taste of, ever again. But it would be easy to go back to that place, and if I did, I would be full-in that experience. I don't think it's something you really can only "taste".

    It's about intensity.

    But instead, now my life is about intimacy.

    Even with the good times.

    I think that's the difference, the depth and real-ness of now.

    Rather than fake friendships you don't even remember the next day.

    Anyway, I am glad I found your blog. Here is mine:


    ~ Emily
