Friday, January 9, 2009

Our Christmas Tree

I know that it is quite past Christmas, but I still want to share our dinky tree that I absolutely love.

We weren't planning on getting a tree as we were going to Oregon for Christmas, but Zach's parents sent up a . It was only up for a few days before we left, but every time I would see it I would get all smiley, turn to Zach and inform him that it was Christmas. He would occasionally just look at me as if I was crazy, but would usually get all excited and happy too. Very fun. And even now that Christmas is done, I still love the little empty tree. I know that eventually having a Christmas tree up will start to seem a little sad, but for now I plan to keep it forever. It's green, it has pretty lights, it can never die, and it makes me happy dangit.

I'm also rather fond of all of our ornaments. First we have the two that came with the tree. My favorite of the two is the hand painted dove flying over a town. There's also this cool angel, but apparently I subconciously dislike it and forgot to photograph it.

Secondly, we have the consolation penguins. You see while I was back home I was intent on reclaiming my Christmas sled ornament. It was one of my first Christmas ornaments, I've had it since I was a baby, and oh I love it. Its this cute little white sled, with a girl in a red hood on it and a little tiny Christmas tree. Of course, this year the sled was no where to be found. So Mom felt bad for me, and instead I have consolation penguins. Still very cute, and they are some of my favorite childhood ornaments, but I'm still determined to find that sled (I am also firmly decided that it is not lost, just misplaced).

I also hit up the after Christmas clearance and grabbed two more lovelies. I would have gotten more, but as I shopped online my shopping cart quickly had over $100 of ornaments, and that's just crazy. So I ended up with two wonderful, reasonably priced things to add to our collection. I'm actually kind of excited to slowly but surely build up our Christmas decorations. As I said, they really do add a nice feel around the holidays. Plus, I'm hoping that if we just add a few each year they can each have some sort of a story or a memory attached to them. The first ornament that made the cut this year is a lovely silver reindeer purchased via giftcard at pottery barn - largely because there isn't much else you can afford from there with a $25 gift card, but mostly because I love its clean, classic look. That and it looks like it's happily prnacing along. Its a joyful, silver reindeer.
My personal favorite though is the Our First Christmas Heart. Very pretty, very simple and classic, but most of all I like having little reminders of this first year, this first Christmas with Zach. I love the tree overall, but this little heart has a special place in my, well, heart. (Cue sappy music)

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