February: Zach and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and headed out to the Utah Symphony.

March: Engagement!
Zach proposed on March 8, 2008. Because what better day to propose to your feminist girlfriend is there than International Womens Day?
Zach came over that morning with roses and flowers for me and my roomies in celebration of International Womens Day. Plus currying goodwill with your girlfriend and her roommates through chocolate and flowers is never a bad idea. We the headed out to walk around Provo Canyon as it was Provo, UT in the winter, and there just aren't that many pretty spots around.
We walked around for a while, just generally enjoying the day/me wondering if my suspicions were correct/Zach looking for a nice spot. After a while we headed back towards the car, and paused for a bit in a secluded grove of trees over by the river. And then Zach got down on one knee, and I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
I never actually said yes. But my "of course' along with an enthusiastic hug certainly got the point across. Well, I also may have said that if he was kidding I'd "rip his spine out', but thats hardly the point. Whatever was said, it was a good happy day. We were somewhat giddy for the next while as we shared the news and looked forward to our future together.
April: Graduation - during which we pay entirely too much for ugly black robes, received a blank diploma holder, listened to boring speeches in a crowded arena, and realized we were one scary step closer to adulthood
May-July: I went back to Oregon to work, plan a wedding, and save money by mooching off of my parents for a few months. Zach had the same idea, but his parents are in Oklahoma, so we were forced to renew our well developed coping methods for yet another stint of long distance relationshipness. On the plus side, my odds of remaining a virgin until we got married skyrocketed.
In non-Zach related news, I turned 21 and enjoyed the drinking of imaginary rum during a weekend excursion to Seattle with my Dad.
August: The Wedding! Far to much to cover in this little blurb, instead I shall give you a few pictures

The Honeymoon - during which we escaped to the coast and I began my habit of stealing Zach's food by eating almost all of his delicious halibut.
DC - After the honeymoon was over Zach and I hopped aboard a red-eye flight, arrived in DC and jetted off to our new apartment, where we procceded to sign important legal documents in order to get the keys to our apartment so we could collapse. As much fun as it was to live in an empty apartment with only an airmattres and a few containers of yogurt, we were quite overjoyed when Zach's wonderful parents arrived with a U-haul full of furniture and other such niceties. A few shopping trips to Costco, IKEA and Bed, Bath and Beyond latter we had a full apartment and were ready to start a new adventure in a new city.

September - Law school = Hell. The first month, nay, the first semester of law school was hideously difficult for me, especially as I have yet to develop a work ethic. Law school doesn't really seem like any other type of schooling I had done before, it's its own crazy little world. A crazy little world full of huge reading assignments, huge class sizes, and a huge impact on your future all decided by four hour finals. Granted, now that I marginally understand what is going on and have met some fun people, I'm more optimistic for the future. But still, I wouldn't recomend it.
October - This is all we ever do
November: More with the studying, but we also took some time off to have a lovely Thanksgiving feast and explore a few of the museums and other such lovelies our city has to offer.
December: I refuse to speak of finals, which brings us to Christmas! Zach and I were lucky enough to be able to head over to Oregon for Christmas break. Amazingly, we were completely undelayed by any weather problems. Well, at least until we got there. I still have no idea why, but it took almost three hours for us to get our bags - we didn't leave the airport until almost 4am. Needless to say, after having been awake for 24 hours, Zach and I slept like rocks almost the rest of the day.
The first week of our vacation carried on that restful feeling. Oregon had the audacity to be covered in snow, so we spent most of our first week stuck in my Dad's house. By the second week the snow had vacated and Zach's family had come up, so w were able to enjoy Portland a bit more. Alas, I was too busy to take pictures of any of the festivities.
And that my friends, was 2008.
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