Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Evil Winter Followed Me

As many of you know, during my BYU days I took great joy (or at least did it often enough that one would assume so) in complaining and/or mocking Utah in general and BYU in particular - yes they both have good qualities, and it was a good experience overall, blah blah, but that's not the point. Above all else I hated loathed and despised the snow that would fall like a plaugy pestilence and coat the world with hate and despair. It was just so very very cold and wet and slippery and slushy and was just generally a concoction created by Satan to make mortals long for the warmth of the underworld, or commit homicide for a pair of mittens, or at least swear a little. I swore I would never live in such a winterland massacre again.

Unfortunatley, in all my hatred of the snow I think I may have underestimated the power of the cold.

You see, winters in DC look beautiful. The sun is shining, it looks happy and warm - and best of all not even a hint of snow in sight. I was walking up to school today and well it was more than a little cold. And windy. Reaaallly windy. But Zach walked half the way with me, so I was distracted and fooled myself into thinking I had adjusted. My face still wanted to crawl off my skull and hide, but I assumed that was just because it wasn't covered. So I kept on walking and eventually reached my school.

Of course I was happy to get inside but it didn't seem like that big of a deal. About 5 minutes after sitting in a warm building something odd happened. My nice, covered legs starte dto do that tingly thing, like they had just woken up. My whole legs were shot through with horrible pins and needles, liek a thousand angry bees as they worked there way back into life. Yes, my freakin legs had actually turned numb from the cold and fallen asleep. I hate the snow, but it never turned my freakin legs numb! I swear, Utah winter followed me and just put on a disguise of bitter, biting cold to try and hide its evil.

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