Ah, class definitely kept me awake this Monday. A small sampling of the awkward, somewhat inappropriate conversation
-We had to read a Cosmo article
-and discussed Cosmos's book of red hot sex
-A student sort of propositioned the professor "you may do the following to me..." (we were trying to define consent)
- Prof: "lets just assume that anytime anyone uses the word morality this semester it will be in air quotes"
- Student: "There will be less free love" Professor: "You mean they'll have to pay for it?"
-"More ask as you go instead of pay as you go" - discussing Antioch's sexual assault policy that requires explicit consent for each new uhm level of contact
- Student: "There should be a physical manifestation of consent - if you let it go in, its in!"
-Student: "Don't all men want sex all the time?"
-Class: "Help, I've been burgled!" (after learning that burglary and robbery are different)
-Professor reminding us how littel what we learn has any meaning in the real world: "but if you've been burglarized say you've been robbed, it s crime against person so they'll show up. Academically incorrect, but it gets results"
-Professor: "How many of you have registered for the selective service? let me turn the lights on so we can see who to send to jail"
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