Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the normalcy of home

My Dad was in DC over the weekend. In many ways I'm shocked by how non-eventful it was. I haven't seen him, or really any of the original family members since Christmas 2008 (Zach and his parents certainly count as family - but they are new family - which is still quite good, its just different. You understand, yes? good. moving on.). I suppose I was expecting that since it had been so long it would be this huge deal, an emotional high and maybe even a little bit stressful and awkward. But instead it just was. We didn't really do anything too terribly exciting over the weekend, as the sun did not shine and it was too wet to play, so we just sat in the house all those cold, cold wet days. We just set an talked, and everything just felt so very normal, like we lived just a few miles away and had decided to spend a few afternoons together. Seeing each other wasn't a big deal, it was just how life was supposed to be

I suppose that's one of the best things with family. Of course all families have there little or not so little dramas, but at the heart of it all being with family is just like coming home - just a natural, normal state of being that feels oh so comfortable and oh so right. This weekend was a wonderful slice of that homey comfortable normalcy, and I loved every minute of it.

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