Candles everywhere, lovely roses in lovely vases throughout, a perfect homemade dinner and best of all a suited up Zach. He even rearranged the furniture so we could have a sweet, romantic dinner looking at each other. It was perfect.
Oh and the fish? Wow. First of all, it was sentimental fish. When Zach and I were on our honeymoon at cannon beach we splurged on a delicious meal at the wayfarer inn. I had some decent prawns, while Zach ordered this halibut in cream sauce that was sent from heaven above. I had one bite, just to have a taste. which lead to one more, and various longing looks in the direction of the fish until Zach gave in. I ended up eating almost all of it, thus beginning the longstanding tradition of me stealing Zach's food (he's since learned to usually make more food than he actually wants as a precaution.)
While, Zach searched high and low on the internets for a similar recipe and while it wasn't an exact replica, it was still amazingly good. I'm also amazed at how much work it took to bring it all together - running around DC without a car is time consuming and a more than a little tedious, not to mention cleaning and setting up the apartment so perfectly.
I can't tell you how nice and special it is to come home to such a perfect surprise, to get a little fancilly dressed up, have a tasty and meaningful meal and just spend some good sweet time with your sweetheart. Most of all to know that you matter enough to someone else for them to do all that.
All in all it was a perfectly lovely evening. I'm lucky to have him.
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