Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Handy Hints for Apartment Living

I whine and complain about my apartment far too frequently. It fully deserves most of the abuse thrown its way, but in fairness, it's not really all that bad.

I've started to grow fond of some of the studios little quirks. Like the old lady who screams "Shut the f!@& up!" whenever anyone makes the tiniest tinyest little noise. Seriously, I've put down a box with a little too much force and gotten screamed at. At first it was annoying, but now I just kind of chuckle at her oversensitive, profanity ridden ways. I actually get a little concerned when I don't hear her after something really loud happens.

However, some inconveniences just can't rise to the level of "cute little quirks" no matter how Pollyannaish I try to be. The people who smoke in their apartments, thus polluting the hallway with smoke, which then leaks into my apartment is one of them. Sure, we can always open a window and air the place out when the air is so polluted that its hard to breath, but that's not entirely pleasant when winter rolls around. It hurts my Oregon environmentalist soul to have the heater on and leaking its dead dinosaur fueled product out into the wild.

I have a feeling that smoke oozing in is a fairly common problem in many apartments. solution. Just pick up some weather stripping and stick it onto your door jam, like so. When you close the door it makes a nice, tight seal which keeps almost all of the smoke in the hallway where it does not belong to begin with. 

Notice the beige fuzzy thing  peaking through the crack. That's our bed. I wasn't kidding when I complained about the small studio thing. But at least its now a smoke free studio.

And that's my Martha Stewart, cigarette related, homemaking tip of the day. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha my neighbor used to scream at me ALL THE TIME. I thought she was in an abusive relationship.
    Then I talked to the landlord. She's not allowed to scream anymore.
