Friday, October 15, 2010

Bacon Pancakes

I have an  (unfairly earned, in my opinion) reputation in my family of having an excessive love of bacon. I contest that claim on 2 grounds. 1. Bacon is awesome. How can you love a good thing too much? 2. I don't really love bacon all that much. I just think many things taste better with it. And why wouldn't I want my food to taste good? This is not the same as wanting a bacon T-shirt, bacon bandaids or bacon packing tape. Yes, I've received all of those, and no, they didn't really get used.

 But back to bacon making things taste better. I'm a little shocked I never thought of it before, but bacon pancakes just seem like such an obvious bit of breakfast perfection.


  1. That is so disgusting, and I love me some bacon.

  2. I'm intrigued. And I bet I could get my boyfriend on board with this, so I wouldn't have to eat it all if it was gross.
    I have a possibly unhealthy love of bacon, which is why I so rarely buy it.
    Also: . Luckily it hasn't gone this far for me. Yet.
