Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1 Year Down

So Zach and I got married a year ago (plus one month*). At least that's what the calendar claims, and I suppose it's accurate. Really, I'm having a hard time deciding if it feels like everything just happened yesterday, or if we've been cohabitating in the shoebox since the dawn of time. Being with Zach is just such a big part of what my life is now that sometimes its hard to remember that it wasn't always this way, and yet its still such a big thing that its almost hard to fathom that yes, we are actually married.

At this point, I feel like I should go off on some syrupy sweet ode to the utter perfection and sunshine that is married life and how I'm so grateful that my white night rode in and saved me from the treachery of singledom (at the horrifically spinster age of 21). Maybe even go all out and profess my love in a sonnet or a haiku. But really, that's not what its all about, and I feel like pretending our marriage is something it isn't would do it a disservice.

Because really, being married is pretty much the same as being single. Life is always just life. Sometimes it really, really sucks. Other times are filled with rainbows and unicorns. Most of the time it's just ok. Marriage is still just life, but with another person in it. All the time.

And if I'm going to be sharing all the goop that life can throw at you with someone, I want to do it with Zach. I want to come home from a crappy day and whine about it with him, and watch his forehead get all crinkly as he tries to think of how to make it better. I want to stay up way too late and be exhausted and useless the next day because we just couldn't stop talking at bedtime. I want to laugh so hard it hurts with him. If I'm going to be crying and screaming at someone because I'm just so mad, I want it to be with him, because I know that we always care enough about each other to (eventually) put aside our hurt and selfishness and make things right again. When I have yet another seizure, I want his arms around me. He's the first person I want to share things with, good news and bad. All the ups and downs, the dreams and plans, its all better together. I just want to live life with him, every bit of it.

And with that being said, here are some pretty pictures. I know its more than a little cliche, but so is doing an anniversary post. And I'm ok with that.

*Uhm, I kindo of started writing this on our actual anniversary and got distracted by having lots and lots of hot, passionate sex having a sweet anniversary dinner with Zach. But I like what I managed to write, and figured it was still worth posting, even if it is late.


  1. Gena... you are my favorite. Just, ever. Happy *late* anniversary. :)

  2. wow, gena. i have to say, for trying not to be cheasy or cliche, you pulled off romantic very well. so glad you and zach are happy. :-)
