Monday, December 27, 2010

Home Again

Technically I've been home again since Saturday (why yes, I did spend Christmas on a plane), but I've just now begun to feel human again. Seriously, I feel like I've done nothing but sleep since I got back. And I'm still tired. Also, oddly jet-lagged. It feels so counter-intuitive to be trying to make myself stay up late, when I spend most of my life trying to get to force myself to get to bed at a decent hour. But this falling into bed exhausted at 9pm and waking up bright eyed at 5am just isn't working for me.

Weird sleep aside,it was still a fantastic trip. I think I'll be going back and doing some fast post-dated posts so I can pretend that I'm still keeping my blog every day for a year goal, and then maybe share a few stories if I can think of anything. But you know, tomorrow, because it's about 10pm now and I can barely keep my eyes open.

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