My best explanation is some sort of a technology curse, or possibly the ghost of my old laptop, luring the sweet, innocent ipod to the other side. Or possibly the time I meant to put my i-pod in my purse, but instead dropped it, where it then met up with my walking foot, which drop kicked it onto the sidewalk. But as that was over a year ago, and its been working fine lately, I'm going with the curse theory. It's really the only logical option.
However, this really shouldn't be a big deal. Not to long ago Zach made a much needed upgrade to a new mac, which came with a lovely free ipod touch. I immediately laid claim to Zach's old i-pod, reveling in the idea of an i-pod that could do such magical things as hold all of my music, work, and even had the added bonus of color!
This i-pod didn't just slowly fade away in a dignified fashion, like my old ipod. No this one committed suicide and tried to take my computer along with it. As Zach had been the previous user, it was formatted for use on a Mac. So, I reset it to the original factory settings, and plugged it in to upload my music. A few minutes after plugging it in, my computer blue screened. So I tried again, and once again the i-pod lashed out and blue screened my computer. I've tried everything I can think of, but that thing just sits there, all empty and lifeless until I plug it in and it tries to kill my computer. Leaving me the proud owner of two useless ipods.
Yup, its definitely a curse.

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